Recently I received a message late at night on Facebook messenger from a client whose sister I happened to see as well telling me that she had been rushed to hospital as she had collapsed and stopped breathing and long story short she had had a heart attack which had then triggered an aneurysm and was placed on life support only to within 24hours have it turned off.
I was devasted by the news.
She was 39 years old and had just given birth 2 months previously.
When it comes to working with private clients there are many that I develop a close relationship with over the years it’s hard not to in the healing journey and many I care deeply about and this client was one of those.
This lovely soul had the most enormous, caring heart and I was devasted to hear the news especially for the two very young kids that will grow up without their mother.
Now, this all unfolded on a Wednesday and I am an intermittent faster and I like to not eat dinner, so I fast at night as opposed to the morning.
And Wednesday is one of my nights and I was so upset about the news that the last thing I felt like doing was sticking to my rules about my health.
So, here is what I did instead.
Grant (the husband and who is on the end of this camera right now) we got in our car and headed off to our favourite Thai restaurant and I proceeded to eat my feelings.
I ate duck curry (I have dicky cholesterol genes and I really shouldn’t eat too much coconut and saturated fats, I should be more pescatarian and high fibre with moderate fat. Keto for me for example makes me gain weight) I also ate crispy whole fish which was deep fried and lathered in gluten (I don’t eat gluten) and covered in that delicious Thai spicy, sugary sauce. This was soaked up with a whole bunch of white rice and some greens.
And you want to know what?
It tasted so amazing and delicious and it felt so good doing it.
Sometimes it pays to eat your feelings rather than trying to willpower your way through it and practice being so good all of the time.
So, stop giving yourself a hard time with all the should’s and why can’t I’s.
Sometimes you receive news that just flaws you and breaks your heart and all good intentions just go out the window off to all good intentions land.
And you know what.
Its ok.
You’re a soul having a human experience you’re not a robot and sometimes self-soothing looks like a delicious meal out that someone else has cooked for you.
It’s not these moments that matter what matters is that you develop resilience tools to help you handle the majority of the life stuff that gets thrown at you so that you don’t have to reach for the substance of choice most of the time.

I'm Victoria
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