If you are struggling with your energy, exhausted all of the time with your shoulders up around your ears from the tension that you feel and no matter what you do the weight just seems to continue to creep on around the middle then this offer I have for you may be exactly what you are looking for.
More about this in a sec, but first let me ask you….
Are You On The Court Or Are You In The Stands?
Think of a Wimbledon tennis match. The players are on the court and the spectators are in the stands watching the players.
The conversations that the tennis players are having with themselves and their coach are very different from the chatter that the spectators are having in the stands.
The tennis players are all about being in action, and visualising the win and taking steps toward their goal of winning the match.
In other words they are having a red hot crack at their dream of winning Wimbledon.
On court conversations are aimed at making a difference, saying yes and then working out how, burning the bridge on anything but winning the match.
The spectators are having conversations about the players on the court and who is likely to win.
In other words their conversation is directed outward.
Toward the players.
They are observing the match not participating in it.
Some of their comments may be around:
“Imagine how much training is involved in getting to this level.”
“I would never be able to train to that level.”
“I am not co-ordinated enough or I don’t have the natural eye/hand co-ordination.”
“I could never be that good.”
And so of course the question you have to ask yourself is:
“Where am I on the court or in the stands in my life?
“Where am I in the stands in my life?
Bottom line: You are either in action around something and you are changing, growing or stretching, breaking through to new levels of possibility.
Or you’re not.
So, Let me ask you…
What is the ONE BIG DREAM that you have been sitting in the stands on rather than being on the court and having a crack at it?
Maybe you are secretly dreading another year of struggling with your weight and body image. You know deep down in your core that things need to change….yet you feel helpless and stuck.
Maybe you know that you’ve got better health, vitality, body image inside of you just waiting to be unleashed, but you have tried so many times in the past and failed and so feel that it is a lost cause.
Maybe you are so mentally and physically exhausted, tired of always putting everyone before you and you ending up being the last on the list. You can’t keep giving out even to those that you love. You know you need to change but you don’t know how.
If you said yes to any of the above and you know that your current level of health is in the “let’s not go there pile” or I will deal with it later” then guess what?
I am going to give you the chance to STEP ONTO THE COURT by offering you a metabolism test that.
- Looks at what you’re digesting and not digesting.
- Whether you are drinking too much water or not enough and the impact this is having on your weight (especially the weight around the middle.
- Why you are so tired all the time.
- Why you have crashes of energy throughout the day but when it comes to bedtime you can’t switch off.
- What is causing your brain fog
- Why you are so bloated, gassy and sluggish.
- Why you aren’t able to lose weight.
This test is $117 normally when you do our corrective care program and it truly is transformational.
For you it is FREE when you book in for your next session.
I am thinking of a client at the moment as I am typing this who had been everywhere.
She had tried other programs that count calories, or have you restricting carbohydrates, or have you reducing calories on certain days of the week. You name it she had tried it.
The best result for her was 4 kilos over a couple of months.
We ran her biochemistry and discovered she was in a fat storing metabolic state (despite what her standard blood tests revealed), she wasn’t absorbing her nutrients, and she had a general level of toxicity preventing her from shedding kilos.
Long story short, she started at 136kilos with us, now 6 months later she had just cracked the double digits, she is under the 100!!
Click here to take me up on this offer and save yourself $117 it could very well be the best saving you ever made for your health.
And you know what else?
By taking this offer you are finally taking a step toward what really matters to you.
You are finally allowing yourself to have the health, vitality and body image that you have been wanting for so long.
I really want this for you too.
I am excited to meet you or welcome you back into the clinic and get stuck into the work so we can see your health break through to a new level of vitality.
In Health,
Victoria O’Sullivan
P.S. Future pace, and imagine yourself 500gms -1kg for women or 1-2kg for men lighter, now multiply that by 3 months to Christmas and for women that’s 6kgs to 12kgs lighter and for men 12 to 24kgs lighter. Imagine further fitting into those smaller clothes, sleeping like a baby and feeling great for summer.
P.P.S I am on a mission to help as many people as I can lead healthier, happier lives. So, if you have any family members or friends who would benefit from this metabolism test then please forward them this link.

I'm Victoria
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